You Said, We Did

"You Said, We Did" Update for June to December 2024

What you said How you told us What we did  Outcome
Patients fed back they wanted improved
phone access
ease of contact
choice of appointment time and date improved website
GPPS To implement Anima total traige and review website as part of this in September 2024.
The website was reviewed and benchmarked against a standard template
Website action plan to be updated and implemented
Feedback that the phone message was too long General comments Reviewed other practices messages, had a small team of external practices staff review message and used a team including Anima and reception teams to create a new message which is around 20 seconds shorter.  

"You Said, We Did" Update for January to May 2024

What you said How you told us What we did Outcome
There are some issues with the phone system and ability to book appointments Patient Participation Group (PPG) Designed a survey to use with patients to understand how best to implement the new total triage model  
That you want Anima updates to come through texts, websites and posters and would like the opportunity to sign up ASAP Specific Survey Built these communication methods into  project plan  
There was less conclusive support for being unable to book appointments in person. Most patients were 'unsure' Specific Survey Reviewed processes to allow nurse/HCA appointments to be offered and reception to us phlebotomy room if patients present