24 Eckington Road, Sheffield, S20 1HQ
Telephone: 0114 228 4900
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We are changing the way we book GP and ANP appointments. Visit Anima | The integrated care platform | Patients (animahealth.com) for details
We wish to express a warm welcome to Dr Pip Fisher, who is our new doctor.
Here is a short introduction from Dr Fisher:
“Although I am from Sheffield originally, my medical career has taken me all over the world. I qualified as a GP in Dartmouth in South Devon back in 1996, then spent several years overseas in Africa and Asia before settling back in the UK. I have worked in a huge variety of practices, ranging from an inner city practice specialising in care for asylum seekers, drug users and the homeless to another in the rural Peak District. Alongside my clinical work I have an educational role, so I currently split my week between Sothall Medical Centre and the University of Sheffield where I try to encourage medical students to become the GPs of the future.
At home I live with my partner Mick, and have moved back to the area to be closer to elderly relatives in need of support.