Sothall Medical Centre

24 Eckington Road, Sheffield, S20 1HQ

Telephone: 0114 228 4900

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Dr Welch Parting Words

Posted on September 23rd, 2024

As many of you may already be aware, Dr Rosie Welch retires from Sothall later this week. Before she leaves she has some parting words she would like to share with our patients.

On 20th March 1991, at 1pm, I met in the Belfry pub with Drs Bailey, Roscoe and Ellis for an interview for the post of maternity locum cover for Dr Bailey. I got the job; no alcohol was consumed.
Over 33years on, I still seem to be here (and the child is well grown). Much water has flown under the bridge since then, so I am indulging in a brief reflection and a few parting words.

When training, it took me a long time to realise I was a generalist, to appreciate the true value of the role in medicine and to realise that this was my calling: what I was put here to do. The vast range of people and problems, and never quite knowing what might happen on any day, have been the continuous challenge, interest and ultimately the reward of the job.

It has been a privilege over the years to have played a small part in so many lives.

While governments and organisations may come and go, for me the essence of General Practice has continued. Despite all the pressures and changes, (and it certainly hasn’t got easier), I feel we still have an amazing, if struggling, NHS. But, as so many treatments are available and we expect to live longer, the population ages and demands increase, we will need to value it and use it as fairly and wisely as we can. (do feel free to join the patient focus group!).

My retirement is a work in progress: I will not be regularly employed at Sothall Medical Centre after September but may do an occasional locum session or some medical student teaching: you may not have quite got rid of me yet!
Many will be pleased not to have to suffer my endless anecdotes about how things were in years gone by, or my apparent need to “have a finger in every pie”!

But I know I will greatly miss all the staff colleagues it has been an honour to work alongside all these years, and especially all the patients it has been my privilege to care for and serve.
With my very best wishes,
Rosie Welch

PS Just in case anyone wants to celebrate my departure, I would really love you to consider a small contribution to Médecins Sans Frontières (a charity which works in needy, neglected or war-torn areas, providing health care for those so much less fortunate than ourselves), or a charity of your choice.

We wish Dr Welch all the best and can’t thank her enough for the tireless dedication throughout the years. Sothall won’t be the same without her.

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