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Making it easier to get an appointment.
We want to put an end to the 8.30am appointment lottery and to make it much easier for you to get the help you need.
That’s why we are making changes starting Wednesday 18th September which will make getting an appointment easier and fairer.
What is changing?
We are always looking for ways to improve the experience of our patients.
At the moment some of our appointments are given out on a “first-come, first-served” basis to those who can call the practice each morning at 8am.
It’s definitely not the best way of doing things.
That is why we are introducing a new booking system which will get you the help you need more quickly and conveniently. To make this happen we are introducing a new computer system called “Anima” and putting in place a specialist team of health professionals whose job will be to improve the process of getting an appointment at the practice.
How will things change for me?
You will have some new ways that you can book an appointment with us online but, don’t worry, you can still telephone us or visit the practice if that is what you would prefer.
The biggest benefit is that these changes will mean there will be no more “morning rush” to queue on the telephones. No matter what time you contact us all our appointments will be prioritised by our clinical team based on medical urgency.
Sometimes a GP is not the best person to help you with your medical concern. Our clinical team is made up of lots of different specialties and the new system will offer you the best – and earliest appointment for your individual needs.
If you do not need to be seen urgently, you will be able to easily choose the most convenient appointment from those available.
Other changes will include:
What do I need to do?
We plan to launch the system on Wednesday 18th September. Details on how to register will follow asap.
Tell us what you think.
We believe that this new way to book an appointment will improve the experience for patients.
However, we want to understand your views so please take our short survey for patients.